LATEST ISSUE: Professor gets Damehood. New CareSens Air CRM. Know your numbers feature story

Our cover feature this issue takes a look at the various little numbers that we should all keep an eye on, in terms of both our general health and our diabetes self-care.

From HbA1c and Time In Range (TIR) and also things like the much-disputed BMI as well as cholesterol levels and blood pressure stats.

The news has a round-up on the T1D Challenge, an update on research on engineered islets and the production of insulin, as well as a reason why you could be getting increasingly irritable (I know I am!). Plus, a diabetes professor was made a Dame in this year’s New Year Honours for her work progressing diabetes research and care.

On our food section we have an article on a new means to measure how processed our food is and another article on improving your immunity with better food choices. And in Making Carbs Count we look at the various forms of the amazing ‘desert fruit’, the date, from the Ajwa to the Sukkari varieties with the famous Medjool in between.

Desang Diabetes Magazine is our free-to-receive digital journal (see below). We cover diabetes news, diabetes management equipment (diabetes ‘kit’ such as insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitoring equipment) and news about food suitable for a diabetic diet including a regular Making Carbs Count column. We just need your email address to subscribe you (it really is free, and you can easily unsubscribe should you wish to).

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