Tirzepatide tackles T2D

Researchers at the University of Liverpool have found that the weight loss drug, Tirzepatide is associated with significantly reduced risk of developing Type 2 diabetes (T2D).

Obesity is a major worldwide health concern. Current global estimates of the number of adults living with obesity is at 650m, with a further 340m children and adolescents. Overweight and obesity represent the primary risk factors for the development of T2D, with T2D driving excess morbidity and mortality.

The study published in The Lancet’s eClinicalMedicine used anonymised electronic medical records from a global federated database. Two cohorts of individuals were generated from this data; group one was those without pre-existing T2D, the second with T2D. Using real world data, Tirzepatide was tested in comparison to another weight loss drug, Semaglutide. Compared to Semaglutide, Tirzepatide was found to be associated with significantly reduced risk of developing T2D in people living with obesity, and a reduction in major adverse cardiovascular events in people with T2D.

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