A better diet is one based on moderate amounts of unrefined starch, along with other foods that can release their sugars relatively slowly into the bloodstream. These includes fresh fruits, vegetables, beans and pulses as there is evidence that a diet rich in high-fibre, slower sugar-releasing foods such as these can lower the risk of diabetes for those who do not already have it. For those that do, then slow-release foods work best with keeping blood sugars stable.
Chef Ainsley Harriott has his own-brand range of foods for sale in most supermarkets and has kept an eye on keeping the key ingredients to the fore. “Spelt is a relatively low GI food and it’s also a really good source of zinc. Both these things make spelt a good choice as part of a diabetic diet. When the Desang newsletter contacted me to make a comment, I chatted things through with my nutritionist team at Symingtons (who produce this great product for me). They suggest that it is served with some fish or meat to provide a balanced meal. I love the texture of spelt, and I love the warmth and homeliness of my Creamy Vegetable recipe, so do please give it a go!”
Spelt’s “nutty” flavor has long been popular in Europe, where it is also known as “Farro” (Italy) and “Dinkle” (Germany). In Roman times it was “Farrum”, and origins can be traced back early Mesopotamia. Spelt is a ancient and distant cousin to modern wheat and is one of the oldest of cultivated grains. It is naturally high in fibre, and contain significantly more protein than wheat. Spelt is also higher in B complex vitamins, and both simple and complex carbohydrates. Another important benefit is that some gluten-sensitive people have been able to include spelt-based foods in their diets.