Comedian Ed Gamble swaps hot dog for cucumber over Tube ad rule

Comedian Ed Gamble has swapped a hot dog for a cucumber in his adverts on London’s Underground network.

The podcast host used the fast-food item in an advert for his stand-up tour Hot Diggity Dog. However, Transport for London (TfL) does not allow foods high in fat, sugar and salt to be advertised on its network. A spokesperson for TfL said: “Following a review of the advert, we advised that elements would need to be removed to ensure it complied with our policy.”

Gamble responded by replacing the hot dog with a cucumber, but kept the ketchup and mustard.

The ban on junk food advertising across London’s public transport network came into force in 2019 and spans the Underground and Overground, as well as buses and bus shelters. It was brought in by City Hall to help tackle child obesity rates in the capital and requires all companies to provide the nutritional information of items featured in their adverts.

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