Insulet shares data demonstrating Omnipod 5’s superiority to pump therapy

Insulet has announced positive results from a clinical trial showing improved glycemic and patient-reported outcomes in Type 1 diabetes with the Omnipod 5 automated insulin delivery (AID) system. Compared to non-automated insulin therapy.

Insulet’s Omnipod 5 was the first tubeless, wearable automated insulin delivery system cleared for marketing in the US.

The trial surveyed 194 adults in the U.S. and France who had Type 1 diabetes for at least one year, with HbA1c between 7% and 11%, and who had used traditional (non-AID) therapy. That included 87% using previous-generation Omnipod or Omnipod Dash systems.

Participants were split into two randomized groups: the control group (62 subjects) used their usual pump with Dexcom G6 CGM, while the intervention group (132 subjects) used Omnipod 5 with the G6.

Insulet reported that Omnipod 5 users showed a greater reduction in HbA1c (0.58%) difference, as well as a 17.5% improvement in time in range totalling an additional 4.2 hours per day. They saw a significantly lower mean glucose and time above 10mmols/L and also spent significantly less time below 3.9mmols/L.

To find out more, CLICK HERE.

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