An open letter from Jenny Hirst, IDDT, regarding the Health and Social Care Bill
“I hope you don’t mind me contacting you. The Insulin Dependent Diabetes Trust [IDDT] is very concerned that the reform of the NHS that is being introduced by the Government is too much, too quickly. Doctors and those who work within the NHS are increasingly expressing their concerns about the reforms and to some extent they are succeeding in making the Government change its mind but only on certain aspects of the reform. We believe that it is time for us, as patients, to express our concerns too.
There are many unanswered questions about the reforms with the main ones being what evidence is there that the reforms will produce the promised better care for patients, especially those with long-term conditions such as diabetes, and are we really going to be part of a large experiment that may or may not work?
If you share our concerns, we are asking you to send the attached letter by e-mail to your MP. Letters from constituents are more powerful than organisations because they let MPs know the level of concern amongst their electorate. Your MP should take your concerns up with the Secretary of State for Health, Andrew Lansley and then send you his reply. Please send me copies of any responses you receive so that we can monitor the situation and take further action if necessary.”
Please help to save the NHS! Thank you.
Best wishes
Jenny Hirst
Insulin Dependent Diabetes Trust
PO Box 294
Tel 01604 622837
How to find your MP
Visit and type in your postcode. Then click on the name of your MP and you will find his e-mail address. All you then need to do is to copy and paste our letter on to an e-mail. Please don’t forget to put your name and address at the bottom.
Other ways of showing your concerns
- If you prefer to write to your MP, please send your letter addressed to him/her at: House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA.
- You can also send your e-mail to the Public Bill Health Committee which is scrutinising the Bill. This stage ends on March 31st and you can send comments by emailing
- The reforms affect everyone, especially those with long-term conditions, so please forward this to your friends and family and ask them to write to their MP too.
- Join the 211,160 people who have signed the petition “Save our NHS” organised by 38 degrees at