For those diabetics who are out and about a lot, and frequently logged in to a laptop (or for those who use computers a lot), Bayer’s new Contour USB Blood Glucose Monitor is a groovy little number that takes your blood sugar readings and can be put into a computer’s USB port meaning data can be immediately downloaded, viewed and analyzed.
If you’re a king or queen of the spreadsheet, you’re going to love this. The fact that it plugs into a USB port means it also recharges, making the meter the smallest blood tester machine with a rechargeable battery (so long as you can plug it in you need never worry about replacement batteries again). The Contour USB meter contains two flash drives, Glucofacts and Contour USB. The Glucofacts drive is reserved for use by Glucofacts Deluxe, which works with Java software. A dedicated website gives lots of info on the product