An extraordinary new medical product turns a tiny sample of a patient’s skin into a spray-on treatment for large-scale skin regeneration, revolutionising the way surgeons are able to treat burns, hard-to-heal wounds and skin trauma as well as giving new hope to patients with scars.
ReCell Spray-On Skin is a unique, patented process which transforms a thin, split-thickness biopsy from the patient’s own skin into a cell suspension that can be immediately sprayed or dripped onto wounds to stimulate healthy new skin growth.
Using the ReCell incubation and processing device, within 20 minutes a 2cm square skin sample can create a cell suspension able to treat an area 80 times the size of the biopsy (about the size of an A4 sheet of paper). The solution looks like water but contains millions of microscopic skin cells which, when sprayed on to a wound, will multiply and grow into a natural layer of new skin that will be similar in tone and texture, to surrounding skin. In addition, unlike scar tissue, the new skin will stretch and grow completely normally.
The first use of ReCell has been in burns units to help speed up wound closure as it enables a natural layer of normal skin to develop, typically in a matter of 5-7 days. This helps to minimise scaring, reduce the risk of infection and enables patients to have a shorter hospital stay and get back to normal life more quickly. For burns patients who often need to spend long periods in hospital – up to a month in serious cases – this makes a huge difference to their short and long term recovery while providing significant savings to the healthcare system.
This has little to do directly with diabetes, but it is interesting and related to anyone who may have scarring.