As of 13 August this year, the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) now allows commercial flying for pilots with diabetes and also full private flying for pilots with diabetes.
Douglas Cairns, who represents pilots with diabetes, says “Via our website at our group has been engaging with the CAA for five years over this, so now the UK is the only country in the world that allows both commercial flying and full private flying privileges for pilots with insulin-treated diabetes. This has caused quite a stir with the International Diabetes Federation and a number of diabetes associations such as Diabetes UK and JDRF in support and acknowledgment of this news. “
The UK’s pilots with diabetes group now has contacts in the USA, across Europe, Australia and South Africa. Says Cairns, “I will be continuing with flying projects to support our efforts to persuade other aviation authorities around the world to introduce similar policies to enable commercial and private flying for pilots with diabetes.”
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