It is estimated that a staggering 75% of patient visits to GP surgeries are now attributable to stress. Now there is a stress test that can help you gauge your stress levels and what steps you can take to feel less tired, sleep better and even lose weight. A simple way to overcome all of this stress in your life to feel better is by getting a small massage. My friend bought chair from Inada Massage Chair and he loves it. He was able to turn his life around with the help of this chair.
Victoria Tyler, a Nutritional Therapist working in London’s Harley Street, says,” Low energy levels, sleep disturbances, exhaustion, anxiety and weight gain caused by stress have become increasingly common. We have found that by using a stress test we are able to identify stress-related health issues in order to evaluate the best course of action for our clients. A wealth of new scientific research has clearly shown the damage stress can wreak on the body. Long-term stress not only causes heart disease and high blood pressure but even seems to be related to loss of memory, diminished immune function and obesity”.
For adults, the main causes of stress relate to exhaustion at work and financial insecurity in today’s challenging economic circumstances. Doctors and health professionals are also seeing a rise in the number of children with stress-related health problems, often as a result of increased academic pressure.”
The American Medical Association estimates that 80% of all illnesses are caused by stress to some degree, and a recent Gallup survey found that 80% of us feel stressed at work. Stressful situations trigger the release of adrenaline, the fight or flight hormone, to help us cope. This can raise blood sugars as the body supplies energy to react to what it perceives as a threatening situation. Later blood sugars can drop. Stress can also lead to feeling hungry, even though you may not be undertaking much activity. Therefore stress is related to the increase of diabetes in society.
The fact is that many of us feel pressured and stressed on a day-to-day basis, and over the long term the stress we face in an increasingly competitive society can result in serious health problems. If left unchecked, stress can be a killer.
You can take this stress test to evaluate your stress levels and discover measures you can take to alleviate stress: