Those of us living with diabetes have to carry a lot of clobber about with us. Making it easy to carry around means that it starts to stand a chance off actually being used – it also makes it easier to take it with you on holidays and other trips.
Get fully kitted out with good diabetes management equipment and a diabetes kitbag or carrier so that you can get on with you life while also living with diabetes. For any diabetic traveling the hassle of getting through customs with all your kit together can be made simpler with bags and carriers from suppliers such as Desang, Frio and Medicool.
Desang kitbags (the Classic is pictured on the right) are designed to stick both the monitoring (blood testing stuff) and medication (insulin stuff) together in one good-looking place. Frio bags specialise in keeping insulin cool and protected, great for those travelling to warm locations. Medicool bags keep all your kit together and keeps it cool. Prices vary according to model of bag. Suppliers include Arctic Medical (, Desang (
Keeping your cool
If you take insulin and you’re traveling somewhere hot this summer, you may want to consider ways to keep your medication cool. Check the leaflet that comes with your insulin for guidance as to best practice for keeping it cool (it’s normally not necessary to keep it chilled all the time. When it’s in use — in your pen or pump — it need not be kept cold. But should you venture to any of the planets hot spots then a portable mini fridge might be in order.
Anyone concerned with keeping their kit cool can consider the Nomad insulin carrier (right). It comes with a car adaptor, portable bag. The battery will work for 12 hours in up to 35ºC temperatures and is rechargeable. Portable and lightweight keeps insulin 2-8ºC. Interior Refrigeration space is 170 x 46 x 18cm (L*W*H), weighs 540g and costs £235.
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