Kit to combat diabetic needlephobia

4mm_pen_needleBD 4mm needles
For maximum effectiveness, insulin must be injected into the fat layer below the skin. This helps ensure that insulin is absorbed slowly and steadily, helping you to achieve predictable control. Medical technology company BD recently launched 4mm pen needle has a very fine gauge. It is suitable for all adults and children who inject insulin. When used correctly at 90 degrees, this 4mm pen needle will pass through the skin and reach the fat layer for an optimal injection. Tests with nearly 200 people showed that the 4mm pen needle is more comfortable to use, less painful to inject with, and was preferred by most people over their existing pen needles. If you would like to try the new 4mm pen needle, ask your diabetes nurse or doctor for a sample pack of BD Microfine+ 32G x 4mm Pen Needle.


Autoject 2
Autoject 2 has been specially designed for those who have difficulty injecting with a syringe – so people with small hands or dexterity issues, such as children and seniors, or others with arthritis for example. At the touch of a button, Autoject 2 automatically inserts the needle and contents of the syringe into the skin without you having to see the needle. It also has a safety lock to prevent accidental firing and a dose completion indicator. It is possible to use the Autoject 2 with one hand, which makes it possible to use a range of injection sites.


With the Inject-Ease you put your loaded syringe in, place the tip against your skin, and press the button to automatically deliver the needle through the skin. The needle is totally covered up so you don’t see it, which helps if you have a fear of needles. The fact that is uses just one button means that it can be used even by those who have limited dexterity. The fact that is can be used with one hand means you can inject virtually anywhere you want to.


Red buzzyBuzzy
A recent study by Target confirmed that needles are a barrier to health.  Buzzy is an injection aid that has proved to have decreased needle fear over time, as well as pain.

This news item first appeared in our free-to-receive online magazine. Go to the home page of this website to sign up – we just need your email address.

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