Lizi’s Granola has a new low sugar variant which contains all the goodness of the luxury granola but with less than 4% sugar. Lizi’s prides itself on creating healthy breakfast foods that are high in fibre while leading to slow energy release, and so avoiding blood sugar ‘spikes’. This has all the oaty, nutty goodness of granola, but with much less sweetness. Lizi’s Low Sugar Granola retails at £3.89 for 500g and is available in Asda, Sainsbury’s and Waitrose. Lizi’s low sugar granola contains 45g of carbs per 100g, and only 3.8g suagar. So, low sugar but quite carb-y.
This news item first appeared in Desang Diabetes Magazine, our free-to-receive digital journal. We cover diabetes news, diabetes management equipment (diabetes kit) and news about food suitable for a diabetic diet. Go to the top of this page to sign up – we just need your email address.