Farrington’s rapeseed oil good for the diabetic diet

Farrington’s Mellow Yellow cold-pressed rapeseed oil celebrates its 10th anniversary this year with a redesign and fresh look. Farrington Oils, founded by farmer Duncan Farrington, was Britain’s first seed-to-bottle producer of cold pressed rapeseed oil. Farrington started selling to independent retailers from the boot of his car in 2005. In 2003 Duncan became a LEAF Demonstration Farmer, as part of a network of farmers who talk to the public about their environmentally friendly farming practises. Cold pressed rapeseed oil continues to grow in popularity; the company was chosen by Michel Roux Jr’s Cookery School to become a partner in 2013. With a smoke point of 220°C, cold pressed rapeseed oil is a wonderful high temperature cooking oil. It has the lowest saturated fat content of any widely available culinary oil and contains high balanced levels of omega 3, 6 and 9, as well as being a good source of vitamin E. Omega 3 oils are particularly important for a healthy diabetes diet. Available from Waitrose, Sainsbury’s, Ocado, Midland Co-op, Booths, 500ml oil RRP £4.30.

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