New figures by Diabetes UK have shown that 700 people a day are diagnosed with diabetes in the UK. To help people get a better understanding of their diabetes the charity has launched a campaign and free book, 100 things I wish I’d known about diabetes, which is written by people living with diabetes. The charity has enlisted the support of people with experience of diabetes, including TV actor Jonny Labey, 23, to share tips that will help others manage their condition.
Labey (pictured), who has Type 1 diabetes, says, “No-one should feel alone with their diabetes. Managing diabetes can be a challenge but it doesn’t have to stop anyone from achieving their goals. The great thing about this book is it shows how we can all support each other and this is not something we have to face all by ourselves.”
From tips on finding out the local word for carbohydrate when you go on holiday, to knowing the best time of day to buy shoes for the best fit, the book is an indispensable guide to daily life for anyone affected by diabetes.
Other celebrities who have contributed tips include TV presenter Phillip Schofield, whose mother and brother have Type 1 diabetes, England international rugby player Chris Pennell who has Type 1 diabetes and Hairy Biker Si King, whose wife and son have Type 1 diabetes.
This news item first appeared in Desang Diabetes Magazine, our free-to-receive digital journal. We cover diabetes news, diabetes management equipment (diabetes kit) and news about food suitable for a diabetic diet. Go to the top of this page to sign up – we just need your email address.