Tesco has announced a number of measures which will see it source even more of the seafood it sells in a sustainable way, in partnership with the Marine Stewardship Council. This includes expanding the MSC-ecolabel scheme for pre-packed and frozen fish sold in Tesco stores and introducing MSC-certified fish to its 656 fish counters, making sustainable fish accessible to shoppers across the UK. Tescos will also ensure that all tuna sold at Tesco stores is sourced in a sustainable way, whether own label or branded.
This year Tesco has introduced the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) ecolabel across 28 different types of chilled prepacked fish – including cod fillets, smoked kippers, haddock fishcakes and fish fingers. Later this year will introduce it to relevant frozen fish lines too.
Rupert Howes, Chief Executive of MSC comments, “Tesco’s commitment to MSC certified seafood is helping to ensure the future health of the world’s oceans. As the UK’s biggest supermarket chain, Tesco is uniquely positioned to help British shoppers to put MSC ecolabelled, sustainable fish on the table. By helping their customers to choose certified sustainable seafood, they are also helping them to recognise and reward sustainable fishing, ensuring healthy fish stocks, and healthy oceans for generations to come.”
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