Carbs & Cals Salads contains a wide variety of nutritionally-balanced salad recipes, with the aim of kickstarting a lifestyle change for those looking to get in shape. You don’t need to go on a diet with this book, simply replace one of your usual meals each day with a tasty salad, to reduce your overall calorie intake and achieve your 5-a-day target. And the best part is, you can easily make this part of your ongoing routine, to keep the pounds off for good while helping you to count carbs if that’s something you do to control your diabetes.
The book contains 80 creative recipes and 20 colourful dressings. There are meat, chicken, fish and vegetarian options, so you’ll pick out your favourites in no time. In addition to this, there are 350 photos of ingredients, inspiring you to conjure up your own calorie-controlled recipes.
Carbs & Cals Salads by Chris Cheyette and Yello Balolia (published by Chello Publishing Limited, RRP £9.99.
This news item first appeared in Desang Diabetes Magazine, our free-to-receive digital journal. We cover diabetes news, diabetes management equipment (diabetes kit) and news about food suitable for a diabetic diet. Go to the top of this page to sign up – we just need your email address.