Our feature, The Law of Averages, looks at how Time in Range (TIR) is being adopted to assess diabetes control, a less rigid tool than clunky old HbA1c measurements, your average three-month glucose score, which can so often feel like being set a goal that can never be reached. Time in Range (and even proportion in range) helpfully looks at blood test and CGM results as ‘high, in range, or low’ giving greater scope for broader conversations, including those about quality of life.
Plus, there’s NEWS on Diabetes UK’s latest Nutrition Guidelines (available to download) which also allow a bit more wriggle room than in previous incarnations. Medtronic now has new packages for its CGM system for existing pump users. There’s other news about diabetes technology, some nice new things in our KIT page, and this issue also includes some fun FOOD NEWS too (we now know what you like to put on your toast most!).
Desang Diabetes Magazine is free-to-receive, it’s a digital journal (see it below, or visit www.desang-magazine.co.uk) that covers diabetes news, diabetes management equipment (diabetes ‘kit’ such as insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitoring equipment). It also includes news about food suitable for a diabetic diet including a regular Making Carbs Count column. We just need your email address to subscribe you (it’s free, and you can easily unsubscribe should you wish to).