Type 1: Attack of the Ketones is the second issue of the Type 1: Origins comic series sponsored by NHS England. The comic was the QiC Diabetes winner last year, and was an initiative by University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, Queen Alexandra Hospital Portsmouth and Revolve Comics. Concept drivers and contributors include Dr Partha Kar (in cartoon form on the left), Dr Mayank Patel, and Type 1 diabetic Lee Calladine.
Calladine, who works for the charity Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation (DRWF), was asked for his input into the comic by his consultant Dr Patel, giving his perspective of what it’s like to experience DKA and a how he manages his diabetes to limit or prevent the chance of having DKA again.
Calladine says, “DKA is no joke, so it was great to play a small part in the production of this unique and important learning tool. If the comic can help educate the younger age group it’s aimed at and raise general awareness, then that is a fantastic achievement. Using the format of a comic is not downplaying the importance of the message, it’s just a means getting vital info to children, teens and young adults in a way that they can enjoy and relate to. It’s about raising awareness and learning from life’s lessons. Batman once said, ‘Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up.’ Sometimes people talk about the ‘path of least resistance’ as if it’s a bad thing, but in this case, if they pick up the comic and read about their condition because it’s packaged up in an enjoyable way, then mission accomplished!”
Read the issues here: www.revolvecomics.com
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