In November 2018, Google’s sister company Verily, published a blog post by Chief Technical Officer Brian Otis referring to one of Verily’s first projects. The idea was to putting sensors on contact lenses to measure glucose levels for people living with diabetes in order that they could better manage the condition.
Otis said, “Our clinical work on the glucose-sensing lens has since demonstrated that there was insufficient consistency in our measurements of the correlation between tear glucose and blood glucose concentrations to support the requirements of a medical device. We are at a point where we have decided, together with Alcon, to put the glucose-sensing lens work on hold. We remain committed to improving the lives of people with diabetes including through improved methods for inexpensive and unobtrusive glucose sensing to support diabetes management. We are working closely with Dexcom to develop miniaturized continuous glucose monitors and with Onduo, our joint venture with Sanofi, to integrate continuous sensing into the care paradigm for people living with Type 2 diabetes.”
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