The Dexcom G6 CGM sensor lasts 10 days and no confirmatory fingersticks are required (neither to dose nor for calibrations).
The G6 works with a smartphone app, so you can see your results on your phone’s screen whenever you wish, and get alerts sent to you for impending highs or lows.
It includes an ‘Urgent Low Soon’ alert, giving advance notice of a potential hypo, allowing time to intervene earlier to avoid going low. This is just one of a range of customisable alerts: users can fully customise their alerts to make them more relevant to their requirements.
Dexcom’s G6 sensors are licensed for anyone with diabetes more than two years old. There are also options to share data from within the device, so parents, partners, carers or healthcare professionals can get access to the alerts too.
A one-month starter kit is available for £159 (x3 sensors and a transmitter), with monthly contracts available from £159.
This is part of a round up of sensors currently available in the UK from a feature in the online magazine. To see the full feature click HERE.
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