There’s lots to read in this issue, so put your feet up. We’ve got a couple of news reports on what happened on World Diabetes Day (14 November), among other news. This issue contains our annual overview of the insulin pump choices currently available. It’s good to see that this feature gets bigger every year. There’s some jolly good kit out there! We ask two experts to put forward their views of how they see blood testing technology moving forward. Brett Lewis, former MD at Roche UK takes a supplier perspective, while diabetes consultant Iain Cranston considers how the future might shape up.
In the news section we look at triggers for beta cell regeneration. Plus, the chaps from Carbs&Cals are looking for feedback. Apply for tickets for Talking About Diabetes (TAD) 2020 in London. There’s a report on what went on this World Diabetes Day, and another report on Diabetes UK’s new five-year strategy to combat all forms of the condition.
ALSO INCLUDED: If you are one of our readers, please take the second part of our Reader Survey; this one is About YOU. We get very nosy about what kit you do use, what kit you’d like to use, and all sorts of questions about you and your diabetes. Our thanks to all who have responded to the first one. Results from both (About US and About YOU) will be published and shared early in the new year.