Roche Diabetes Care is offering free access to the mySugr Pro app in the UK and the Republic of Ireland during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
The company’s website states, “We are offering our support to you and the healthcare system during this time by providing a year’s free access for adults with diabetes to our diabetes management app, mySugr Pro. Free access to mySugr Pro (usually £20.99 per year) will help your experience of digital / telephone appointments by digitally providing blood glucose monitoring information to your Healthcare Professional. You can download the mySugr app to your smartphone and unlock the Pro version using the activation code. Once you have mySugr Pro installed you can download a report and send it to your Healthcare Professional via email.”
mySugr allows you to enter blood glucose results from any device and is already used by more than 2m registered users worldwide. The Pro version of mySugr has valuable additional features to help with diabetes self-management. There are also support videos.

The Accu-Chek Mobile blood glucose system with inbuilt lancing device (on right side) and wireless adaptor (on left) which beams results directly into the mySugr app.
To be clear, anyone can use mySugr Pro, just plug in your results manually. Anyone who already has an Accu-Chek Mobile can get a complimentary wireless adapter that will send your results directly to the app.
- Download the app from Apple’s app store (Apple mySugr) or Googleplay (Android mySugr).
- Create your mySugr account.
- Unlock mySugr Pro and get 12 months of Pro for free regardless of which blood glucose monitoring device you use by visiting mySugr/UK and entering the code 2019-2020-2021 (redeemable until 30 September 2020).
- If you have an Accu-Chek Mobile meter you can order a wireless adaptor here (if you do not have one already. Order a wireless adapter here.
- Then you can start logging your data and getting the benefits from mySugr Pro.
- For terms and condition click *Ts&Cs