If you thought that the pandemic might impede progress in the diabetes care arena, nothing could be further from the truth. As this issue shows, there’s plenty of stuff going on generating a heap of news. I don’t think we’ve ever had so much news in one issue before. So much, that we’ve not had space for any of our usual interviews, but they’ll be back in the coming issues.
Meanwhile, catch up on tech being used to stop hypos in the elderly and meet the new all-in-one Penny app from Medtronic.
Food News starts on p.25 with the usual page of items, followed by a round up of this autumn’s new openings, new products and new ventures (p.34) with a deeper look at one female chef who adapted to lockdown by moving into freezing her food for delivery and keeping her kitchen going (p. 38).
Thrown in for good measure, there’s a quick look at blood pressure and how to keep it within a healthy range (p.30) and we also look at why we all need folic acid (p.26).
Making Carbs Count in this issue is about those punchy little gems, capers, complete with recipe.