LATEST ISSUE: Where are we on the road to the ‘holy grail’ of non-invasive glucose monitoring. Plus, pages and pages of news!

I think that 10 years ago I was doubtful that CGM technology would become a reality, but it has. I wonder what the diabetes world will be like in another 10 years’ time? What I’ve referred to as the Holy Grail is non-invasive blood glucose measurement. That is an even greater step in the right direction for painless tracking that does not even involve so much as an itchy CGM patch. Farewell to sensor-site irritation, some of these technologies sit on the skin and ‘taste’ it for glucose. We take a good look at what’s in development on p.20.
For a look back in time, Pete Davies, who has had T1 diabetes for 65 years, shared with us a video that he made with old (and I mean really old) diabetes equipment. Not for the faint hearted, be warned! See p.18.
From the past to the present, and I chatted to Russ Johannessen, CEO of Glooko, about what his data transforming app is capable of (p.26).
Making Carbs Count is about the mighty cashew nut – transpires that they’re not even nuts! Who knew? Strange what you find out when you start digging….  As ever, there’s plenty of news, showing how much is being done out there to improve the lives of people living with diabetes.

Desang Diabetes Magazine is our free-to-receive digital journal (see below). We cover diabetes news, diabetes management equipment (diabetes ‘kit’ such as insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitoring equipment) and news about food suitable for a diabetic diet including a regular Making Carbs Count column. We just need your email address to subscribe you (it really is free, and you can easily unsubscribe should you wish to).

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