Glooko, Inc has announced a new global partnership with Hedia, integrating its technology into Glooko’s diabetes management platforms for healthcare providers and people with diabetes. The collaboration will bring together connected care, remote patient monitoring and digital therapeutic technologies to enhance access for people with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes requiring insulin dosing advice.
With the Glooko platforms, patients currently have the ability to share their diabetes data with their healthcare providers (HCPs), including blood glucose readings, insulin doses, food and carbs, exercise activity, blood pressure and weight. With the integration of the Hedia Diabetes Assistant, people with diabetes will be able to receive bolus insulin dosing advice, which will provide personalized care and reduce the burden of manually calculating required insulin doses.
In addition, when used in conjunction with connected insulin pens, the integrated solution facilitates a high level of visibility for HCPs who are managing patients on multiple daily injection (MDI) therapy. This integration enhances the capabilities of Glooko’s remote patient monitoring (RPM) and supports virtual consultations for MDI patients.
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