The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has recommended tirzepatide (Mounjaro, produced by Eli Lilly) as a new treatment option for some people in England with Type 2 diabetes for whom existing management options are insufficient.
NICE explained that patients for whom triple therapy with metformin and two other oral antidiabetic drugs was ineffective, not tolerated or contraindicated, currently had limited treatment options. NICE noted that clinical trial results had suggested that tirzepatide reduced HbA1c levels and body weight compared with semaglutide, insulin therapy, or placebo. Across all trials presented in evidence, 81% to 97% of people reached HbA1c levels of less than 53 mmol/mol (7%), which was significantly more than with any comparator. Some trials had also shown better weight reductions.
The company had provided additional analyses that had “improved confidence in the clinical- and cost-effectiveness evidence” such that cost-effectiveness estimates were within the range that NICE considered an acceptable use of NHS resources.
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