Demanding that politicians make a difference for people with type 1 diabetes, 12-year-old school girl Millie Hainge has launched ‘Millies_Manifesto’. With support from diabetes charity JDRF Millie delivered a copy of her manifesto to Downing Street. In the manifesto Millie called for better understanding of the differences between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, greater access for all to the best Type 1 diabetes technology and an increase in Government funding for vital Type 1 diabetes research.
Diagnosed with the condition aged nine, Millie said: “I want politicians to understand the challenges facing people living with Type 1 and as the General Election is approaching I thought the best way to get MP’s attention and set the facts straight about Type 1 was to create my own Manifesto. I will be sending copies of my manifesto to all current MPs and to parliamentary candidates urging them to find out more this life threatening condition.”
Millie is also an ambassador for the diabetes charity JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund) she visited the Houses of Parliament in 2014 to lobby MP’s for a fairer future for people with Type 1diabetes and she will be taking her message to the American Senate when she travels to Washington in July 2015 to attend the Children’s Congress.
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