Professor Katharine Barnard, Chartered Health Psychologist, is a founder of BHR Ltd, ‘translating clinical research into quality of life’. She specializes in the psychosocial impact and management of diabetes and has published more than 170 scientific articles in academic journals.
Barnard has developed an online tool to be used by people with diabetes and their healthcare professionals in routine outpatient consultations. The person with diabetes completes a brief online questionnaire (securely hosted) that assesses how they feel about a range of factors that can impact positively or negatively on their diabetes self-management. These assessments are then presented in easy-to-use results. Based on the Kaleidoscope Model of Care*, the KALMOD tool focuses in on the aspects of diabetes self-management that each person needs the most support with at the time of their consultation.
The idea is to match interventions to the individual by having results from the tool ready before the consultation so that there can be a structured conversation with the healthcare professional, finding practical ways for positive improvements.
Professor Barnard is looking for volunteers to try the KALMOD tool via a secure website (currently not live, but available for research purposes only). She says, “We ask you to complete a brief survey telling us about your experience of using the tool at the end and your thoughts about it. We’d very much like your help!”
DOUBLE BUBBLE: Please do the survey, then do the (very short) survey about the survey. You will get your own personalised results at the end of the first survey.
Use these details to log in to test the system:
Username: ProfessorKathBarnard
Password: K4lm0dP455
Click the KALMOD link HERE.
Any questions, you can contact professor Barnard directly by email:
*The Kaleidoscope model of care presents a novel, holistic, tailored and individualized approach to healthcare delivery for people with diabetes through an assessment of an individual’s current regimen, barriers and motivation and available support resources. The model promotes the specific needs of individuals with diabetes. These needs are dynamic, taking a different shape at different points in time, recognizing and adapting to the range of care needed. It is a flexible model that can be applied in different healthcare settings. Barnard, Lloyd, Dyson, Davies, O’Neil, Naresh, Lawon, Ziegler, Hold. April 2014.
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