Coffee in ‘tea’ bags

Raw Bean’s ‘Bean Bags’ – are new pyramid-shaped coffee bags which give one cup of quality filter coffee but with less mess, less fuss and less waste than making normal filter coffee. The bags are biodegradable, each contains 12 grams of grounds and like the well-known pyramid tea bag, the shape of Bean Bags ensures better infusion than a square coffee bag does. RRP £4.50 for 10 bags (or £3.75 per 100g), Bean Bags some in Breakfast Blend (strength 4), El Salvador (strength 3) and Definitely Decaffeinated (strength 4). All the blends are classified as speciality coffees by the Speciality Coffee Association. As a quality filter coffee option, Bean Bags are expected to appeal to cafetiere users, but may also attract single-serve pod users who are concerned about the growing waste issue (pods going into landfill.

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