Of packaging and peas

green-pea-pasta_smallWaitrose has launched two new gluten-free fusilli pastas. One pasta is made entirely from green peas and the other from red lentils. Then, the few peas and pulses that don’t make the grade during the production of this pasta are used to help create the box in which the pasta is sold. This new environmentally friendly packaging, made from 15% food waste, can be in direct contact with the pasta, eliminating the need for an inner sleeve within the pack. The pasta box is also 100% recyclable, so customers will be making a nutritious, as well as an ethical choice when picking up a box of the new pasta. Each portion of the new pasta is high in protein, a source of fibre and one of your 5-a-day. £1.99 for a 250g pack, as part of the Waitrose LoveLife range.

This news item first appeared in Desang Diabetes Magazine, our free-to-receive digital journal. We cover diabetes news, diabetes management equipment (diabetes kit) and news about food suitable for a diabetic diet. Go to the top of this page to sign up – we just need your email address.

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