Insulcheck memory aid for insulin injection pen

Marketed as a smart accessory for insulin pen users, despite being small and light-weight, InsulCheck is robust and reliable. It’s a simple cap to slot on top of your insulin pen which shows the time elapsed since your last injection.  It also lets you know if the device (and therefore your insulin) is being exposed to too-high to too-low a temperature. It runs on replaceable batteries, can be kept in the fridge (so long as it’s kept dry) and works with the majority of insulin pens, both disposable and reusable (check the website for the full list it fits) and costs around £30. John Hughes invented the pen cap due to his own need, as a Type 1 diabetic, and accidentally double-dosing his insulin. , “Diabetes isn’t a choice. How you manage it is. Knowing for certain when you last injected removes any anxiety or doubt.”

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