Diabetes UK: Learning Zone opens

Diabetes UK has launched a self-management education platform called Learning Zone, which aims to help people understand more about diabetes and how to manage it. There are 3.7 million people diagnosed with diabetes in the UK − about 90% of which are estimated to have Type 2 and 10% have Type 1. Both types can lead to complications, because high blood sugar, blood pressure and blood fats can cause damage to the body, however, with the right treatment, knowledge and support people with diabetes can lead a long, full and healthy life.

Kathryn Kirchner, Clinical Advisor at Diabetes UK, says, “On average, people with diabetes spend three hours a year with a healthcare professional. For the remaining 8,757 hours they manage their diabetes themselves, so self-management education can help anyone who has been diagnosed to stay healthy, live well and avoid complications. But, it can be hard to find trusted sources of information online that actually help people safely manage their condition which is why we created an innovative digital service to provide tailored and easy to understand advice that’s been clinically approved and grounded in the latest medical research. We hope that this is the start of a new era in diabetes education where online learning can be used alongside education courses to improve quality of life and reduce the risk of complications for people with the condition.”

See the Learning Zone at www.diabetes.org.uk/zone

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