Among the news items in this issue is one about the need to move away from the relatively well-known concept of your BMI (body mass index) measurement being any sort of indicator of someone’s health status. Instead, a person’s waist-to-hip ratio is being touted as a much more reliable indictator. Meanwhile, a registered public health nutritionist says that regulations on the placement, promotion and marketing of high fat, salt and sugar (HFSS) products are overdue.
We have a KIT page (p.14), with relief for dry eyes, a Type 1 superhero doll, and a box of footcare items. That’s followed by a report on the launch of Dexcom’s G7 here in the UK (p16). We also take another look at the InsulCheck range of pen caps to see the difference between their Classic, Connect and Dose options (p.20).
Our front cover story is a look at the bemusing arena of food supplements. Should you, shouldn’t you? Health writer Judith Ozhan takes a good look and offers some insights and advice (p.22).
We’re never shy about food in this magazine – as people with diabetes, we know more than most about what it does inside us. But beyond carb counting and glycaemic control, food is a core part of our lives and the wider environment. We have a page of Food News (p.28), as well as a report on CBD oil – what is it, how do you use it? Susannah Hickling investigates (p.30). We have a run-down of some fairly random restaurant news from up and down the country (p.32), Then in Making Carbs Count, it’s all about coconuts!
To read the latest issue, click HERE.