Weight loss can put T2D into remission for years

New findings from an extension of the landmark Diabetes UK-funded Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial (DiRECT) have revealed that nearly a quarter (23%) of participants who were in remission from Type 2 diabetes at two years in an original trial remained in remission at five years, no longer needing to use diabetes medications to manage their blood sugar levels. Those who were still in remission had an average weight loss of 8.9kg at five years.

The original DiRECT trial of a weight management programme for people with a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes involved a 12-week low-calorie formula diet, followed by support to gradually reintroduce healthy food and maintain weight loss. The landmark trial was the first to show that remission from Type 2 diabetes is possible through dietary intervention, with almost half (46%) of people in remission at one year, and 36% at two years.

Data, available from 85 participants of the original DiRECT intervention group (ie those receiving regular support to aid weight loss), revealed an average five-year weight loss of 6.1kg. Of the 48/85 participants who were in remission at the start of the extension period, 11 (23%) were still in remission at five years, with an average five-year weight loss of 8.9kg.  Data available from 82 participants of the original DiRECT control group (ie those not receiving support), showed an average five-year weight loss of only 4.6kg, with 3.4% in remission.

Overall, the intervention group saw greater improvements in blood pressure and blood sugar levels, and fewer needed medication, compared to the control group. Furthermore, the number of ‘serious adverse events’ (events resulting in hospital admission) in the intervention group was less than half that in the control group. The findings also support growing evidence that weight loss, and remission from Type 2 diabetes, can prevent or delay the complications of diabetes.

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