£5m towards cure for T1D

A £5m funding award has been given to three researchers that have worked with DRWF. The funding marks the start of the Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge programme – set to provide £50m towards diabetes research over the coming years, with the ultimate goal of finding a cure for Type 1 diabetes.

Funded by a £5m donation from the Steve Morgan Foundation, the trio of researchers awarded part of the funding are Dr James Cantley, Dr Victoria Salem and Professor Sarah Richardson. Cantley, at the University of Dundee, will work on developing new drugs to help people living with Type 1 diabetes grow back their own beta cells inside their pancreas. Salem, of Imperial College London, will work with a state-of-the-art 3D bioprinter to ‘print’ a device that can be implanted into people with Type 1 diabetes to deliver a new supply of beta cells. Richardson, of the University of Exeter, will investigate how and why a person’s immune system destroys their own beta cells, and how this process may differ between people with Type 1 diabetes.

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