Ypsomed partners with S3 Connected Health

Ypsomed is to expand its offering of digital health solutions in partnership with S3 Connected Health.

Headquartered in Dublin, S3 Connected Health is a specialist digital health partner for life science companies.

Ypsomed will partner with S3 Connected Health to create an extendable platform to create specific solutions to provide patients with support and guidance throughout their therapy. Ypsomed’s connected injection devices, such as the SmartPilot for YpsoMate, are pre-integrated in the platform. The platform is highly versatile and quick to customize for any disease area and use case – always with the aim to provide additional value to patients. People with acute and chronic diseases can thus be supported fully in their therapy management and the outcome of their treatment can be enhanced.

“The new platform will enable our Pharma and Biotech customers to rapidly launch integrated device and digital health solutions that will further improve therapy outcomes and quality of life for their patients” says Ulrike Bauer, Chief Business Officer Delivery Systems.

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