What. A. Week – Partha Kar, NICE and HCL announcement

In a social media post, Prof Partha Kar, who has been the most visible champion of getting diabetes technology available on the NHS stated, ”What. A. Week. It’s been a bit surreal to sit on the main stage at the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) conference and be able to be part of a seminal moment in Type 1 diabetes care in the NHS with the arrival of hybrid closed loops (HCLs) being made available to many with Type 1 diabetes, certainly the offer of HCL to EVERY child with T1D. Every single one, irrespective of control, ethnicity or deprivation.”

He also said, “Parents and carers, it’s not a dream, we got there. Never in his wildest dreams did that kid from Kolkata* ever think of being in this place supported by the love and blessings of many to help make it happen. Thank you.”

In a later post, he shared that he’d had, “A day of work, a day of media…a day of smiles as I gave an interview with BBC Radio 4 about HCL and diabetes care, along with some personal views!”

To listen, CLICK HERE [from 48:55 onwards]. 

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