Latest issue — your test strips stripped bare
How do those wee little test strips work? How accurate are they? In this issue we look at the science inside these daily tools of
How do those wee little test strips work? How accurate are they? In this issue we look at the science inside these daily tools of
There are times when you need to do a blood test but you know your hands aren’t clean enough. If contaminated by some foods, your
Open publication
Ypsomed’s Omnipod was the first ‘patch’ pump in the UK. A patch pump has no tubing connecting the handheld device to the pump — instructions
While winter sets in, we take a look at the link between diabetes and depression, seasonal affective disorder and low levels of vitamin D. It’s
There’s something fishy about the latest issue of the online magazine as we investigate the relevance of omega 3 oils in the modern diet. There’s
Our latest issue is out! Click on the pic to read all about whether coffee really can make your sugars rise. And that’s just the
By Sue Marshall Since I began writing product information for Desang I’ve come across a wide and interesting range of things, but the ones that
You are more likely to develop diabetes if you are of Afro-Caribbean origin. Not only is it more common that in the general population, but